Norman’s Fans’ Drool
Norman’s Fans’ Drool is a place where you can read emails to Norman and his answers to them.
Have good drool? Send it to [email protected] for consideration.
Norman Fans’ Drool Norman Fans’ Drools are some of the Best and Worst of emails to Norman. Mostly the worst emails. Not many names are used to avoid embarrassment! This is where I can have some fun. I hope I don’t offend too many fans. Then again, who cares?
For those who DO NOT think this page is humorous. This is for you … this is humerus.

Norman Fans’ Drool This page is cool – Dave
(Norman’s Redrool) Can’t beat that.
Norman Fans’ Drool You wrote the best song in the whole wide world, thank you! You must be a SAINT, or an ANGEL! Bless You, Norman Greenbaum.
Norman Fans’ Drool Tant pis!
Excusez mon francais.
Bye and best wishes from NZ.
(Norman) Ah, easier to read me, well, tant pis sounds like my cat’s urinary problem.
Norman Fans’ Drool I believe that I had heard a long time ago that you had done some farming in your life, specifically growing peanuts. Is there any truth in this ?
(Norman) No, that was Charles Schultz.
Norman Fans’ Drool when I’m on you tube I always play your tunes
(Norman) No wonder You Tube keeps taking them off.
Norman Fans’ Drool Norman, What’s up? I love your songs, you’re a bad-ass.
(Norman) Actually, I’m a good guy and gals say I still have a great ass.
Norman Fans’ Drool Are Marcy and Alice Bodine real people?
(Norman) Marcy is.