Norman Fans’ Drool Big Luv had this first wife sweating while ur song played? too cool and i checked for drool there was none only sweat and crying this is wat the song is trying so i write to say when the sweating is done and i go to the place that’s the best i thanks the sprits in this guy!!!

(Norman’s Redrool) Don’t you just love “spell check ?

Norman Fans’ Drool And so I came home tonite from doing my WW meeting and THE song came on…..cranked it up and sat in front of my house listening. THE song is THE only one I must listen to….regardless of where I have to be. Thank you from the top of my heart!

(Norman’s Redrool) Thank you, hope it didn’t make you hungry…

Norman Fans’ Drool Heard you on the DeBella show in Philly this morning. Sprit in The Sky always brings back memories. I was a volunteer fireman in my younger days and we had a 1970 American-LaFrance 90 foot Snorkel that was nicknamed “Sprit in the Sky”. It was written on the rear of the basket.

(Norman’s Redrool) My own snorkel is just a bit smaller…

Norman Fans’ Drool I would like to let you know Norman, your song is one of the greatest jewels in my box. I would like to thank you forever for it.

(Norman’s Redrool) Make up your own snide remark, there are lots.

Norman Fans’ Drool i have always ioved your one hit wonder. why dont you make asoug with gods power in it like im going to see jesus.i think it wound go places. im not talking about dieing. maybe i cound write it. pleases email me back

(Norman’s Redrool) I’ve never made a soug, and I hope never to.

Norman Fans’ Drool I found your Web site at three a.m. after being awakened by three college kids who jumped the fence at our apartment house’s swimming pool, took off their clothes, and frolicked in the water. I was so aroused by the sight of the naked woman that I couldn’t go back to sleep. To put the time to good use I got on the Internet where one thing led to another and I found your site. I’m glad I did because reading the comments from your fans gave me a needed reminder of just how important art is to people–how it feeds our spirits. And my spirit got a boost from reading your hilarious Re-drools. Lastly, I am glad to learn that “Norman Greenbaum” is your real name. I always assumed it was made up. So, I’m glad to learn that you’re still around and doing well. Thanks for contributing a song that has given delight to so many people.

(Norman’s Redrool) Thanks, ever connect to one of the naked girls?

Norman Fans’ Drool My wife doesn’t believe you really exist. I know it’s a pain in the ass but can you send her an email saying hi or something.

(Norman’s Redrool) Norman….No tooth fairy, no Norman Greenbaum, crap…

Norman Fans’ Drool Hey Norman, big fan of the song ” spirit in the sky”. I requested it on our local classic rock station the other day and the DJ squealed with delight over the air.

(Norman’s Redrool) I knew pigs could fly, but play records?

Norman Fans’ Drool I work out at a fitness center and asked if they would play your song when we were excercising and when they did, a lot of people didn’t like it because they say fitness isn’t church…

(Norman’s Redrool) Pictures of fat Jesus are rare.

Norman Fans’ Drool In answer to..”what is the greatest blues song of all time?”

My vote will be for Norman Greenbaum’s “When You Going To Buy Me A Canned Ham”. Norman Greenbaum was born in Mulefart, Louisiana in 1886. He played a 2 string guitar fashioned from a washbasin. He taught Charlie Patton how to thump on his guitar. He taught Howling Wolf how to bug out his eyes. Norman fell into obscurity for decades until he was rediscovered by Pete Welding in 1961 singing the blues while selling pig ear sandwiches on the streets of New Orleans.

Greenbaum’s “Canned Ham” is the ultimate blues classic, evoking images of the blood, sweat, and tear-stained existence of the sun-baked Delta’s poorest denizens.

If you believe any of this, you had better check yourself in to get yourself checked out, you are losing your mind. (Mine been gone.)

(Norman’s Redrool) AMEN!!!

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